The Medical Community Supports Medical Cannabis
StrainsForPains is a medical marijuana recommendation engine that guides patients to the appropriate cannabinoid levels, medical cannabis strains, and consumption methods for their specific ailment.About Us
Strainsforpains is a medical marijuana recommendation engine that guides patients to the appropriate cannabinoid levels, medical cannabis strains, and consumption methods for their specific ailment. Accessible via dedicated mobile APP, and desktop app, Strainsforpains utilizes a robust database of strains, cannabinoids, and medicinal applications aggregated through semantic web technology and validated by medical devices in research centers around the world.

Medical Intelligence
Our Strainsforpains App cross references our proprietary data and patent pending technology to provide medical recommendations using specific cannabis strains or brands to the clients specific illness or ailment.
Using Strainsforpains Mobile or Desktop App, Doctors now have access to decision making tools to give personalized cannabis treatments
Our Extensive Database of strains, cannabinoids, and medicinal applications helps Dispensaries give great recommendations.
About Strainsforpains
User Based Recommendations
The Strainsforpains APP is a user-based recommendation application that scientifically determines which cannabis brand or strain is right for you based upon personal data and strain genetics.
Our Mission
Our mission is very clear - Making the medical cannabis decision easier. We educate the medical specialist and dispensary as well as the consumer, to the multiple strains that are available for specific pains or ailments.
Our Proprietary Data Banks
There is a severe shortage of medical data in this emerging field and we have developed technology that will enable us to aggregate, curate, analyze, and package accurate data

Doctors Access
We have accumulated a huge database of strains, cannabinoids, and medicinal applications for Doctors using the Strainsforpains App
Patient Access
Patient Access is in Beta and will enable a wealth of Cannabis Information for every Patients Peace of Mind via the Strains for Pains App.
Dispensary Access
In Colorado, there are more Dispensaries than Starbucks, Dispensaries can now have complete Access to the Strains for Pains App.
Secured Data
Our Data is Secured at the highest possible level via secured logins on encrypted servers whilst being accessible from our app.
Michael Stern graduated from medical school in 1973 and since 1983 has been a board-certified urologist and urological surgeon. Dr. Stern served as an adjunct clinical faculty member at Bast-yr University School of Naturopathic Medicine for 11 years (1995 –2006). Dr. Stern operated the Northwest Healthy Options Clinic in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Stern continues advising patients on lifestyle issues and alternative healthy treatments for a wide variety of diseases, including medical cannabis.

Mr. Shainberg is the founder and President of the company. He has a BS in Economics and Business, summa cum laude, from State University of New York (SUNY). His graduate studies were done at MIT. Mr. Shainberg directs the company mission, research and development, mergers and acquisitions, engineering and compliance. His background includes successful financings in public companies since 1987., in areas of scientific technology, health care, CAD/CAM , fashion, merchandising, and real estate.